Some people abandon healthy lifestyle when faced with trauma. Others learn to lean on that lifestyle. Renee Buczel has had three traumatic experiences in the...
Since 2009, Shakeology has been a pioneer in the nutrition industry, continually evolving our formula to provide our customers with the absolute best way to...
In the fitness world, calisthenics can easily get overshadowed by more popular workouts like weightlifting and HIIT — but it shouldn’t. Calisthenics is a great way...
Cinnamon is a great way to enhance any berry-focused dessert — its unique spicy/sweet flavor is the perfect complement to the tart/sweetness of berries. In...
Pop quiz #1: What’s the difference between pudding and mousse? Traditionally, pudding is cooked and then chilled, resulting in a thick, creamy treat. Mousse isn’t...
Want to know how to identify a fitness pro who’s knowledgeable and trustworthy? Ask them how much muscle you can gain in a month. If they give you any...
Whether you’re loading a barbell on your back, racking a kettlebell over your shoulder, or just warming up with bodyweight squats, one question remains a constant: What...
No one argues that what you eat plays a crucial role in your overall fitness, body composition, and athletic performance. To build your muscles, you need to be...
Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy one of the most universally beloved sweets: chocolate. If you’re being mindful of your diet, you don’t...
When you’re trying to stick to a healthier lifestyle, holidays can be a challenge, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. All those Valentine’s Day treats —...
Like just about anything, when it comes to pre- and post-workout supplementation, you can find store shelf upon store shelf of products formulated specifically for one...
Irregular Periods Regular Cycles // Symptoms // Causes // Tips When your menstrual cycle is unpredictable, it can be more than frustrating. Maybe your period...
So you’ve been giving considerable thought to your max heart rate, your muscular endurance, and your macros. But one thing you might not have given much...
In the health and fitness space, there are a number of fearsome ideological match-ups: cardio vs strength training, plant vs animal protein, the front squat vs back...
Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight movements you can attempt. In addition to requiring significant core...
Protein is one of the essential building blocks of the human body, crucial for building and repairing muscle. If you’re interested in gaining muscle and/or...
In the 1940s, a University of Houston professor named William Sheldon coined the concept that all humans fall into one of three body types, or somatotypes....