Some people abandon healthy lifestyle when faced with trauma. Others learn to lean on that lifestyle. Renee Buczel has had three traumatic experiences in the...
Since 2009, Shakeology has been a pioneer in the nutrition industry, continually evolving our formula to provide our customers with the absolute best way to...
In fitness, we tend to underrate the basics: getting enough water, sleeping enough hours, and yes, walking enough steps. As simple as it is, walking...
With winter over, days getting longer, and weather getting warmer — it’s the perfect time to do some spring cleaning. Whether that means cleaning up...
Push-up variations abound, from modifying by elevating your hands to dialing up the challenge by adding plank jacks. One particularly valuable (and quite challenging) variation...
If you’re serious about weightlifting, sports, or HIIT and have started researching how to take your progress to the next level, two supplements have likely...
Train like an athlete and boost your performance in everyday life with Performance Academy, the all-new athletic training mini-program from BODi Super Trainer Amoila Cesar....
Entraîne-toi comme un pro et booste ta performance au quotidien avec Performance Academy, le tout nouveau mini programme d’entraînement athlétique du Super Trainer BODi Amoila Cesar....
Entrena como deportista profesional y refuerza tu rendimiento en tu vida diaria con Performance Academy, el nuevo miniprograma de entrenamiento atlético totalmente nuevo del superentrenador...
If figuring out how to organize and manage your strength-training routine feels more challenging than a heavy set of deadlifts, it’s time to consider a...
If you’re trying to eat more veggies, choosing seasonal produce can help — fruits and veggies typically have the most flavor when they’re locally grown and...
What’s the difference between stim and stim-free pre-workout? Let’s start at the beginning. For decades, planning your workout supplement routine meant focusing on what to...
Created by professional bodybuilder and powerlifter Stan Efferding, the vertical diet claims to improve athletic performance and body composition. While initially developed for high-level athletes, it’s...
“Lateral quickness” sounds like a skill that’s exclusive to professional athletes. After all, most of us mere mortals are just trying to balance a healthy...
Maybe you want to break out of your split-routine. Or maybe your current workout regimen isn’t effectively hitting all of your major muscle groups. Either...
Pre-workout supplements are designed to (you guessed it!) be taken before you exercise. They can help boost your energy and endurance so you can exercise harder and...
So, you have a challenging workout scheduled after work, but you’re feeling a little depleted. Squeezed for time, you make a pit-stop at a convenience...